Insight Series: What is the Content Resonance System™?

Misia Tramp

24 October 2023

In the previous post in the Metia Insight Methodology series, we discussed how our data-led topic models help analysts and marketers make sense of tens (or hundreds) of thousands of individual audience conversations by distilling them into distinct topics that represent a target audience’s top priorities. These audience topic models also serve as a crucial input for another tool developed by Metia – the Content Resonance System™ or CRS™. 

The Content Resonance System: In Theory 

CRS™ is a unique, data-driven content performance system. CRS™ identifies the themes, topics and words that will align marketing content with our client audiences’ priorities, driving deeper engagement, higher response and accelerated conversion. 

Built to evaluate a brand’s content and identify opportunities to better engage and interact, CRS™ increases mutual resonance via a fair exchange of content. The ultimate goal of the Content Resonance System is to bring the language of a brand closer to the language of the audience, and to enable what a brand is saying to align more closely with what audiences want to discuss. 

The Content Resonance System: In Practice 

Each program CRS™ begins with analytics of owned content – understanding the overall message that a brand is communicating to the marketplace by curating and analyzing a data set from a client’s content. All text-based forms of content a brand creates can be analyzed, including web and social posts, sales collateral, customer stories, white papers, video and podcast transcripts, press releases, and more. Our analysis tools are able to ingest data from diverse formats and sources. For each piece of brand-owned content, the Content Resonance System evaluates how well the content aligns with audience priorities, as statistically derived from the audience topic model. This evaluation results in a Content Resonance Score™ (or CRX™) for each piece of brand-owned content, which falls on an index ranging from 0 (not at all resonant) to 100 (highly resonant).  

When evaluating a brand’s content resonance overall, we score a set of relevant content pieces from the brand and aggregate the individual CRX™ scores to calculate the brand’s overall CRX™ score. This brand CRX™ score can be analyzed in a number of ways: 

  • CRX™ tracking over time: A brand’s score can be tracked over different time frames to evaluate how well they are keeping up with shifts in audience priorities and conversation themes.  
  • Competitive CRX™: Over a given time frame, the score can be compared against competitors’ CRX™ scores to determine if/where any brand in the competitive set has an advantage, as well as identifying white space opportunities in audience priorities that a brand can fill to increase resonance. 
  • CRX™ by channel: A brand’s CRX™ score can be broken down by owned content channel, to see which channels/form factors are resonating more than others, and which channels/form factors could benefit from recommended improvements. 

Take a look at our case studies on how Microsoft and Dell Technologies have each used content resonance to improve the effectiveness of their content strategies. 

Insight Series  

This post is one of a series in which the Metia Insight team explains the various tools, systems, research techniques and methods we use to help answer the challenges set by our clients. Read the series so far: What is Digital Data, What is Topic Modelling.

To learn more about how the Content Resonance System™ informs a data-driven approach to content strategy, our next post in the series will ask: What is a Content Blueprint?